Including everyone: YW lesson Jan 2023
I don't know if I will record everything I do and teach in Young Womens on this blog, but for now I want to have a record of some of the things I have taught, the inspiration I have received, and just some good discussion questions. Obviously, this was my outline so I didn't read it word for word and some parts we didn't get to.
A few weeks ago I found out I would be called to be the Young Women’s President. Over the next several weeks, there were a few different ideas that just popped into my head of things I needed to do as the president. One of the revelations I received was that I needed to give this lesson that I am about to give you now.
I want to start out by telling you a story that I read recently.
How many of you have ever felt like that? Not just at church, anywhere! I can guarantee you every single one of us, no matter how old we are has felt like that!
In that scenario, there are a lot of things both people could have done. What could they have done?
This woman telling the story could have looked outside of herself and tried to find someone who might need her. The women around her could have noticed her and brought her in to their circle. There’s so much that can be done so that we can change these scenarios when they happen.
These are two major things I think that would help people open their circles and include everyone.
The first one is a deep love for Jesus Christ and the second one is simply the skills and abilities to bring people in.
So first, a deep love for Jesus Christ.
Why do you think that a deep love for Jesus would make you more likely to open your circle and include others?
“True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up, and be different from the people of the world.” President Nelson
One of my Favorite names of Jesus Christ: Friend
Another name of Jesus Christ: Advocate. Jesus is an advocate for every person on this earth
We love him, Because he first loved us. 1 John 4
I want others to feel the way that Jesus Christ makes me feel.
Jesus Christ’s example.
Here is an example from Mary, the mother of Jesus. This is her testimony. Luke 1:46-55 Mary’s testimony. These are the experiences she has had with Jesus
Don’t you think if you had seen him do great things for you, and fill the hungry, and felt his mercy, and given you strength, don’t you think you would want to treat others the same way? The reason we treat others well is because Jesus treated us well, and what a gift it was in our life. We are Jesus’ hands on this earth. A lot of times, people will only know how good Jesus is because they have seen what’s possible because of how you treat them.
Ok so the second part of this is about skills. I think a lot of times women have a deep love for Jesus Christ, but maybe they just don’t know how to include others or they are not aware that they aren’t including others. So I want to do an activity with everyone.
I want you to get in groups of three. So two people are going to be talking to each other and then the third person, you are going to come sit down next to the other two. Everybody take turns being the person who sits down. When we are done, I’m going to ask you ways you were able to include the new person in your conversation. 1 minute conversation, then release the third person. Third person comes and sits down with their back to the other two.
Ok great! Now let’s write down, what were things that you were able to say to bring people in to the conversation?
A lot of times with people we don’t know very well, it’s hard to think of things to talk about. Here is a list of different things you can say to start a conversation.
What's your favorite sport? More conversation starters:
Ok now in groups of two I want you to use one of these conversation starters and try to carry on a conversation for two minutes. Adults with adults and girls with girls.
Alright now that you all did that, I want you to tell me, where did you get stuck? And let’s brainstorm, what can you do to troubleshoot those kind of things next time?
I want you to remember that it takes a long time to develop these skills! You’ll come home from a Young Women’s activity and tell your mom, “I tried to talk to so-and-so and it was SO AWKWARD. I’m not doing that again.” All of us have had those experiences! It’s easier for some people than for others. Like my daughter Delaney, she can strike up a conversation with anyone. But just because it’s not easy for you or you don’t think you’re good at it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Why? Remember why. But you keep trying because why? Because you love Jesus Christ and you want to treat people the way He treats people. And because you have felt that way before and you don’t want other people to experience that.
So I wanted to end by sharing these slides from Brooke Romney
Let's be a Horseshoe Young Women. Let this be a Young Womens were every girl says, “I have a friend at Young Womens. In fact, everybody is my friend. And also, I am friendly and include everyone too.” Let this be the Young Womens where a new girl comes and everyone is trying to talk to her and get to know her and she feels loved. Let us be a Young Womens where somebody walks into the room and everybody looks up from what they are doing and says, “Hi Eve! I’m glad you’re here.” Why should we be a Young Womens like that? Because that is the Gospel in action. That is what it looks like to have Jesus with you all the time. One of Jesus’ names is “Immanuel” it means God is with us. If Jesus were sitting in our Young Women’s with us, I promise you he would acknowledge every single one of you and make you feel loved.
Every time we have Young Womens, I want you to sit by somebody you didn’t sit by last time. And I want you to try to start a conversation with them. You know what, we are all trying this ok? So don’t feel awkward about it. This is a safe place where you are going to try things, find things that don’t work and try other things. We are all learning together. As leaders we are going to keep modeling this, we’re going to push you to do this. This is going to help you. My hope is that by the time you leave Young Womens you will feel confident and able to talk to anyone anywhere.
I know that this might not be something you want to do. It’s uncomfortable. But you will make a difference in someone’s life, and actually in your life too. Did you know that happy people aren’t happy because they’ve got everything they want? Happy people are happy because they know how to make other people happy. Ask any mom in this room, we’re not happy on Christmas morning because of what we got, we’re happy because of what we’ve given. I promise you if you can figure out how to include people, how to love others, it will make you happy your entire life.
I want to close with my testimony. Growing up in my family my dad taught me how to do this by his example and his love for people. He is always looking for someone sitting alone, or someone he didn’t know, or “working the crowd” as we used to say. When I first moved to Kokomo I was really lonely and I didn’t know anyone. But you know what I did? I started inviting people to do things, and trying to get to know people and trying to include people and I found the most wonderful group of friends because of how I treated others. I know you all feel lonely or frustrated or left out or forgotten about from time to time. I feel that too. We all do! And I promise to you that Jesus Christ knows how you feel and he has given us each other on this earth to remedy that. He hasn’t just given us each other so that we can lift each other’s loneliness, but also because looking outside of yourself is the best way to feel better. The more you help others, the better you feel. I testify that Jesus Christ is real, and He is here, and he cares about you. He gave his life for you so you could live on this earth and learn to become like Him. And I pray that we will all choose to accept his gift. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.